Thursday 30 August 2012

Aren't they just the cutest?

Today went much better. The pain subsided and I was completely mobile again. So much so, that I even braved the gym again and went for a jog.

On my way out I saw these little ducklings with their mommy and it just made everything worth it.

All in all it was a good day. Now a night af studying awaits me.

Hope you had a good one!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

I'm in pain...

This one will be short.  Day three of my new fitness regime and I'm dying of pain!  That must be a good thing though, right?

Yesterday I did a Pilates class and it went much better than the bootcamp class until I had to drive home...  I almost cried every time I had to turn the wheel, and basically crawled out of my car when I got here.  My stomach feels like it's being torn up by some sadistic weirdo!

But on a lighter note, through all this pain I still have to study for Tax.  So that will be how I'll be spending my evening.  I hope your's is much better.

This is me signing out! Hold thumbs I can walk tomorrow!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Back for good!

And I'm back!

Thought I'd start sharing some of my daily events with the universe...  I like sending things like this out there without knowing who will read it or if someone will read it.  And as I am now back for good and over my heart ache, I thought it would be a good idea to change my blog's name, what do you think?

First on my to-do list is studying for Tax, so boring I know.
Then it's off to class, maybe I'll even listen today instead of day dreaming as I usually do... But that's wishful thinking.

I have decided to try something new each month, and this month's something new is the gym.

Super exciting I know, but I will stick to it for a month to prove to myself that I'm not a quitter! What a cliche...

Yesterday was my first class. Bootcamp.  It was really tough and I struggled to keep up, but I felt really good afterwards so I'm quite motivated.

Today I am really stiff so I have decided to try the Pilates class today and see how it goes.  Wish me luck everyone!

I'll keep you posted on my long journey to being fit as a fiddle!

Monday 27 August 2012

27 August 2012 - 21:57

Well it's almost been a year since that last post of mine.  I must say a lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same...

Firstly I am most certainly not that closeted heart broken girl anymore, however I am still single but I have learned to love it.  I am at a point in my life where I won't just take anyone just to have someone, like a did so many times last year.  I learnt that it just worsened the heart ache.

My life went from a crazy whirl wind full of people and parties to a calm and happy existence with the people that really mattered all along.  I really love these people and it's nice to know they love me too and that I can always count on them.

I still miss him at times, but I have finally broken off all contact with him, and it's turned what we had into a lovely memory that I will cherish forever.  I actually saw him today briefly in the supermarket.  He looks happy, and I am glad about that.

I was a very angry girl last year and I am happy to say that I have finally forgiven myself for the choices I made as an innocent, in love girl.

The woman I am now is so different from that one.  I feel stronger and more confident in everything I do.  I have learnt how to deal with the quietness of being alone at times, knowing that it is my choice and that it is the better choice for me.

And if the loneliness gets a bit too much I always have my best friend and family whom I can always count on to bring smiles to every occasion.

The most important lesson I have learnt in this year is that everything comes to those who wait, so I am waiting patiently for whatever awaits me and working hard at everything I love.

In conclusion, I am a much more stable person.  I have not lost my unique weirdness, and I don't intend to.  Through this whole experience I have learnt so much about myself, and for that I am ever grateful.

Hopefully I will be poring my soul out at more frequent intervals this year, but only time will tell...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

7 September 2011 - 00:25

Here I sit in my room all alone listening to Regina Spektor and wondering what went wrong…  This whole year has been a whirlwind of fun, laughter and a river of tears pouring down my face.  I don’t know what to do anymore, it’s the first time this year that I’ve really admitted to myself that I miss him, but not just a little, but with my whole heart. 
It’s pre-spring day and everyone is out and about and having the time of their lives, and I can’t think of anything I want to do less.  Why be in a crowd of people, none of which really know you or who I would really like to have know me, when I have my safe little sanctuary of a bedroom. 
Seven months since I last saw him, since I was with someone I could really trust, since I felt completely safe.  I think I might have made a mistake letting him go…
And finally I can admit to myself that I am truly heart broken…  But at least I know he’s happy.